Thursday, October 31, 2024

Saturn Research

For those familiar with Bill/Niggi Bill OccultScience101s work; you may have heard him describe an entity known as Mother/Niggi Mother. She goes by many times throughout different cultures. She is associated with planet Saturn and the moon.

Her signature numerical symbol is the number nine. I have learned a lot from his work and notice a lot of these things everywhere. From the Saturnian seal, the color scheme of Niggi Yahu ( the cannibal God) Purple and Yellow, cube symbology and repeating patterns.

The same color scheme is also associated with the Phoenicians/Niggi Phoenicians. Tyrian purple being amongst them; also a symbol of royalty.

The hardest truth is that EVERY religion upon earth owes its' debt to the planet Saturn; as Saturn is the God of this world. This means all religions base their beliefs upon this celestial entity; albeit under thousands of different aliases. 

Saturn plays an important role in Occult secret societies. There was a time in history when Saturn ruled the skies and was the chief sun of earth. Ancient human and Niggi civilizations records a completely different world.

Troy/Niggi Troy does significant research upon the Saturn death cult as well.

His blog here.

I always advise everyone to take things with a grain of salt. As it is easy to get caught up in various mindsets and patterns. Some helpful and some quite destructive. Maintaining a balance is healthy even if it can be difficult at times.

Sometimes it is best to utilize information and not bow to the messenger; as the ego can take over easily. This can disrupt the ability to have meaningful and thought provoking discussions. I have noticed most so called "truther" circles are simply echo chambers. 

Most are not open to constructive criticism; which is its' ultimate downfall. 

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Saturn Research

For those familiar with Bill/Niggi Bill OccultScience101s work; you may have heard him describe an entity known as Mother/Niggi Mother. She ...